Keyle's mom
I totally agree with the time out strategy did you try it? If you've ever watched super nanny that's supposed to be the right way to do it... you go down to his level, look him in the eye and be very determined and mean every word you say and explain why what he did was wrong and why you will not listen to him if he continues doing it and why he has to sit in the naughty chair for 2 minutes. sit him down for two whole minutes, if he gets up sit him back down firmly... until he stays
when the 2 mins are over hug him and tell him that you love him and thats it...
the key is to be very clear and very consistent with this method it will work ...jumping from one method to the other doesn't work...stick to this...also don't let him hit you! this is not ignoring! he is physically hurting someone and that shouldn't be tolerated by any means and dont give in... I've seen people who do this and it works really well...
all you have to do is be consistent and very serious about it at first and later on it will be bliss!
try it and tell me!!