Do u show her Bali from You Tube using the computer or using an actual DVD?????
I show her the Bali episodes from which is like youtube but it has the complete episodes. Each episode is only about 12-14 minutes long, which is perfect because I am still limiting her TV/computer screen time. The only annoying thing are the commercials but I think you can get rid of them by saving the videos to your computer using I have been meaning to save the videos myself but it is still on my ever-growing list of things to do. This is the official site of Bali where you can get the DVDs, CDs, and books: but I am just having a friend record the episodes on French TV for me. I AM planning to get her the Bali books though - I found this great French bookstore with lots of children's books, including early readers that come with audio CDs (perfect for non-speaking parents like me!):