Simplest way to be complete are you are following the Doman method and therefore will benefit of their enormous potential is :
1. Attend the seminar : no amount of books or DVDs or theory will ever ignite you as much as you being able to see with your own eyes kids outperforming any and every standard you may have; when u attend the conferences at the institute they bring kinds demonstrate the training and there is no faking it... These babies and younger kids don't know how to lie they are just simply genius and moms are there to share all the info. All of it!!
if u need assistance with hotels there is a company that will set you up in a family for the week free of charge - I used this service and my accommodations were better than any of the 4 star hotels in the area!! Highly recommended - the info is in the welcome package at institute.
If given geography or money constrains you can not attend this week training (around $1200 )
2. Second best to attending buy the book!! Very straight forward info; clear step by step directions. This info is too important to rely and second hand info - if u ask me I will tell you what I remember if the program and what worked for me but not necessary all the details that I followed at the time - in other words I may misinformed you in good faith. Best to learn from the source. You can get the same books used for a fraction in Amazon or but if u can pls buy them at the and support the organization.
Hope this helps. Sorry typing from my phone while in transit.
Happy Sunday and remember what ever you do will be best than nothing but also remember where there is a will there is a way!!!