Thanks for the link. I read through the posts, but it seems like more of a discussion on multiple languages spoken. I really would like some advice on teaching multiple languages for reading. Specifically advice on if I should mix the cards together, or have separate sets, keeping the Russian words separate from the English. Also how do you decide what words to teach in which language. For example, do I teach "nose" in Russian or English? How did those of you who are teaching both decide?? Thanks so much for any input.
I've decided to learn two languages separately with LR: five days polish and five days italian (first 3 categories (wild animals and fruits for example) in polish then I change next 3 (home and transportation) in italian, and I'll back to fruits and wild animals or I can make new category.
Every day I make short presentation (categories or some poem) in english, french or spanish, and every day I play some songs in one of three lang. I think that if my son learn 1 or 2 words a day (in different language) it make about 400 words/year so it's a great number to start learn languages later
When he was 6 months old I've begin to listen CD's in english, spanish and french too. Now I see that he can understand sample english but we don't speak english at home (I don't know english yet
We read many books in different languages (english, spanish, polish, italian), it's funny way to learn and translate togheter.