I have been very occupied with the business of recovering, and have not been in the BK forum for way too long! I discovered that sweet James has grown and advanced so much in his reading! Please give him a huge hug and tell him well done, and one for Mummy as well
I LOVE his little glasses, he looks so adorable and professorial
I have been horrible about managing to capture much of anything on video in the last few months, but did manage to convince Alex to read a bit for the camera a month or so ago, so posting the link below. We buddy-read Charlotte's Web, which managed to provide her with a plethora of new vocabulary words for her jar...this is what she is attempting to do in the video, hence the pen I finally confiscated because she gets more interested in underlining than reading
http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=RbKCzIVySRUI love the idea of everyone posting updates, and I can't wait to catch up on how well all my favorite little readers and their parents are doing!