Hi Tara,
Welcome to BrillKids
When I started early learning I was confused and overwhelmed but reading through the previous posts on this forum I found my way as you will find your way. I didn't start early learning with my son until he was about six months old.
I started with a program called Monki See Monki Do and BrillKids. I let my son guide our schedule and as he became accustomed to the lessons we fell into a routine. Of course if he ever showed any sign of resistance I immediately stopped the lesson and waited until he was in a receptive mood. I would always show a lot of enthusiasm and excitement before, during and when talking about his lessons. For example if he was having fun swinging I would joyfully yell yeah BrillKid math lessons are so much fun. Then when it was time to watch the math lessons he would associate it with a time of fun.
My goals for the day in the beginning with these two programs was to show him the tangible flashcards at least 3 times throughout the day. It was rare that would happen 3 days in a row. I would strap him in his carseat and let him watch the video while I was taking a shower with the door open so I could see him. To this day he loves Mommy's shower time because it is his time to watch an early learning DVD of his choice. The BrillKid lessons were so quick and enjoyable I was almost always able to show him both sessions of each lesson everyday in English, Mandarin and Math. Of course there were days we were busy with other activities or one of us weren't feeling up to it. Don't feel like your child is missing out if a day is missed because when you do start back up they will enjoy it even more.
Little Reader is just like you said a multimedia version of the Doman method but in addition to that it has other sections such as phonics, simple sentences, short stories, games and a multisensory section that is great for teaching vocabulary. Not to mention the thousands of files on different subjects available to be imported into your library created by forum members. You can also create and edit files to personalize them.
I would read to him at least an hour each day and now we read to each other at least two hours each day.
As he got older I started adding other right brain programs YBCR English and Spanish, YcCD, Tweedlewinks, Wink to Learn Spanish and Mandarin, The Gentle Revolution Picture Dictionary Spanish and English. And of course Little Musician! I know it seems like a lot but the lessons are quick. Not to mention the endless list of early learning DVDs.
Have you had the chance to download the trial version of Little Reader? The recommended age to begin the BrillKid programs is 4 months.
We look forward to hearing about your early learning journey.