This seems shady. I don't think I'd spend $50 on that program because they don't even say
WHAT the program is. They do not show a single child USING the mysterious program. It is weird, a new person is signing up to various educational forums and asking about this I smell


all over this company.
Now it could be a coincidence but it seems that they are trying to drum up traffic and rack up sales by posing as a new user who is curious about this relatively unheard of product. I think that this is a scam and wouldn't buy it.
There are a lot of good phonic options for free and for reasonably priced. There is no need to throw money after a mystery product mentioned by a mystery user. That video is 15+ minutes long and NOT ONCE do they say what the product is--is it a series of videos? Is it a PDF of lessons with instruction for the parents? Is it a printable set of games? Is it an book of learning activities and lessons? Does it include readers? Does it include video instruction? Do they give refunds? That is a very, shady ad and I'm a little suspicious of the user also, but maybe I'm being needlessly cynical.
Free Phonics Resources that Could Work with an EL Kid:
- Progressive Phonics
- Reading Bear
- Ultimate Phonics
from Spencer Learning--plain and thorough. You can download the fully functioning trial version of the program and try it if you like it. UP has their word and sentence list for free so you could use those similar to DadDudes Flesch cards if you don't like the software version and it includes sentences
has an extensive "free sample" option and you can do download booklets from there based on sightwords, phonics, and more. VERY nice. If you want more, you can pay for access, but during your trial period you can download a TON, I can't imagine you needing more readers.
There are a lot of phonic videos on YouTube that you can search and work through any play list that you like.
The first 52 of these readers are free online.
And those were just the free products that I could think of in about 2 minutes. Now, if you are open to spending money then there are many reputable paid options for baby reading products: There are so many options, of course there is
software which includes Pattern Phonics.
- Meet the SightWords/Phonics
- Hooked On Phonics Learn to Read
- program with DVDs or Without
- Little Champion Reader
- Readeez
- Monki--See
And these are just the DVD multimedia options that pop into my head within a few seconds. If you want a book/guide for you and your kids to use then know that you just need to model blending and read to them using the words and scope of these lessons.
- Phonics Pathways + Reading Pathways
- The Reading Lesson
which --my personal favorite for the 3+ crowd.
- Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading
is very thorough--its like the UP list, but it includes an instructional guide for the parent.
- Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
And thats just a small sample of programs that are KNOWN to be legit and highly effective.
Not one of the book based options that I listed costs more than $50, most of them are $15-$40 but I'm too lazy to go and price check. I'm not sure of the price of the DVD reading options.
I just asked a question here:(... Now I see you accuse me! What was wrong with my question??? I just wanted to know the opinion of others (those who have used the program or are aware of the aspects of reading programs ) about that program I found! This section is related to 'reading' so I just wanted to take the opinion of others.. I even didn't directly link to their page so that nobody accuse me.. So how should I asked my question in your opinion so that nobody blames me???
I don't want to defend of the owners of the program but when I wanted to grasp the program, I watched the video 'in full' and then did read the 'full' video description text, plus their main page and the order page... And found all of these questions you mentioned answered there! I can address for them if needed!?
That video is 15+ minutes long and NOT ONCE do they say what the product is--is it a series of videos? Is it a PDF of lessons with instruction for the parents? Is it a printable set of games? Is it an book of learning activities and lessons? Does it include readers? Does it include video instruction? Do they give refunds? That is a very, shady ad and I'm a little suspicious of the user also, but maybe I'm being needlessly cynical.""
Sorry mom2bee, I don't want to say that it is great program or say whether it works or not. Just want to say that in my opinion you shouldn't 'accuse' somebody while you even haven't token a 'full' look at what he has added here...
sorry mom2bee, I hope you haven't be unhappy with my light criticism...