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Author Topic: What are your children reading?  (Read 98052 times)
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« Reply #90 on: June 19, 2012, 01:10:45 AM »

Thank you for your kind words, so glad your son enjoyed it. It's amazing the amount of work that goes into something as small as a 10 page book! Jack in the story is based on a Siberian Huskey my family had while I was growing up and he really would pull us around on sleds during the winter time here in Utah. Such fun memories!

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« Reply #91 on: June 19, 2012, 06:26:35 AM »

Great little book again! I would personally like the words on seperate page as I know my daughter looks at pictures even if I point at words with my finger.


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« Reply #92 on: August 06, 2012, 09:40:20 PM »

We are still loving our My first steps books. We read My fisrt steps to math and now we are reading My first steps to reading.

Should I read ,for example, the letter D as "d" or "di" please? I guess is "di"


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« Reply #93 on: August 07, 2012, 01:22:23 PM »

I read them to my child with the phonetic sound, but if you use the letter names that is fine too - depends what you want to teach.

My DD is now reading The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl - its one of his easier books and she is enjoying it though only reading a few pages a day. I am reading her Pippi Longstocking and she is enjoying the humour in these books.


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« Reply #94 on: August 08, 2012, 10:55:49 AM »

Oh I LOVE pippi long stocking! My kids dint enjoy my very beautiful picture book version of it until AFTER they watched it as a movie. Now they love it as much as me!

I use both ah bee see and a, buh  keh. I figured he needed to know both so i taught both. It worked. I say this is the letter A, it represents ( or it makes) the sound ah in the word apple. This way if we hit a word like city I have a way to explain it easily. It probably took a little more repitition than just doing one at a time but time is on our side smile

My kids and I are doing a group read of The Far Away Tree Stories. I got a beautiful big book version with lovely pictures on most pages. It's such a great story and lovely language. Great for those multi age child families! Sometimes I read, sometime either of the girls read it. Jaykob gets a crack at each chapter title ( phonics practice  laugh ) anyway I highly recommend this series ( it's usually 2 or 3 novels) but definately get the large picture book version. Love it.


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« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2012, 01:43:05 PM »

I still love the Magic Faraway Tree books and also The Wishing Chair Ones - will maybe read them to DD1 again some time. Will try and get hold of the Pippi Longsticking movie - but perhaps will leave it til after I have finished the books with her.

She's reading book 11c of Ladybird now - Books are exciting - (she is still picking these books despite me giving her numerous what I feel are more exciting books) Nonetheless this book has given me the chance to teach her the -tion and -sion phonics with a lot of emphasis on vocabulary too. Because the book discusses different types of reading material it is interesting to find which types she seems like she will most enjoy and which for her are less exciting.


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« Reply #96 on: August 21, 2012, 07:45:49 PM »

My DS received his Baby Sigining Time board books today and loved them. These books go along with the 4 baby signing time DVDs. The type is large, they are board books and the sign review is located in the back of each book. He is doing pretty well reading the words he knows the sign for and we will work on the other words.

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« Reply #97 on: August 21, 2012, 09:20:56 PM »

We are reading all kinds of books, unsure of what level they are - but we recently went through the list of kindergarten readers at the library and checked out Hi Fly Guy, and my son loved it! It's an easy "chapter book" and is a fun story. I was so excited to learn that this is the first book in a series of 11, so next time we are at the library we will check out some more in the set!

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« Reply #98 on: September 02, 2012, 06:49:00 PM »

We are really jumping around in reading level now but I find this is necessary - for enjoyment and also to increase fluency (her fluency has improved greatly suddenly and I am not sure why but she is reading with expression and enjoying the books more) as well as teaching the more advanced phonics (multi syllable, prefixes and suffixes etc) and increasing her stamina.

She read Owl at Home and is now reading East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

We finished Pippi Longstocking though I still have two more of them so will go back to that later. I read some Beatrix Potter tonight and she has requested more (it has been a long time since we last read these stories and her understanding seems to have jumped quite a bit - my 18 month old enjoyed the Tale of Benjamin Bunny though I think she just liked the pictures of the rabbits)


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« Reply #99 on: March 21, 2014, 11:15:27 AM »

My youngest child is now 1 month younger than my oldest was when I started this post so it is very interesting for me to watch what is happening - my youngest has read the following so far:

Ladybird Keywords Book 1b (we couldn't find 1a when I started her on them - we have since found it and she read it independently)
Ladybird Keywords Book 2a
Ladybird Keywords Book 2b
I See Sam Books 1-5 (she does a new book daily at the moment)

Her sight word vocabulary is actually less then my eldest's was at this age and she seems to need more repetitions than my older child to remember a word, however she is able to blend and work out simple cvc phonics by herself. She is still working a lot though with beginning sounds despite knowing to sound out the entire word. She seems able to handle longer passages of reading than my eldest did at the same age.

My 6 year old this year has read a number of books. Some that I remember are:

Pioneer Cat
Some of Harry Potter Book 2 (we put this away as her stamina was not great enough to get enough out of it - I would prefer she can read an entire chapter in one sitting before trying this again and they are quite long chapters - she is able to read it, but there are other issues to consider with this at this age)
The Children of Noisy Village
B is for Betsy
The Invisible Dog

I still read aloud to both children daily from fiction and non fiction and my youngest "reads" to me from anything by running her finger under the words and saying whatever she thinks fits the picture - and then yelling in delight when she knows a word or can work one out.


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« Reply #100 on: April 27, 2014, 06:26:40 PM »

I thought I'd update this again for my own information.

My youngest has read:
Ladybird Book 3a, 3b and some of 3c
She has also read to book 20 of I see Sam
And she has started Book 4a of Ladybird - I am now just teaching the words as they come up in the book and she is managing this fine, I do repeat some of the sight words she sticks on
I plan to start phonics with her regularly now.

My elder has read:
  Sophie's Adventures (Dick King Smith)
  Has started Capyboppy
She has also now started more independent reading, though resists writing down the books she has read - I was hoping she would keep a list so we could reward her, but also so that we would know what she was doing and what she picks to read. Trying to figure out some way around this.


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« Reply #101 on: April 28, 2014, 11:42:14 AM »

Hi Tanikit.  How old are your girls now?  They are making fantastic progress.  Well done!

Where did you buy the "I see Sam" books from?

« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 04:23:28 PM by Scruff » Logged
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« Reply #102 on: April 29, 2014, 07:56:14 AM »

Tanakit my kids are hopeless at writing down what they read and I am no better. As part of their homework they are supposed to keep a reading log. (Once you finish all the school readers you get to pick your own books) Because they read SOOOO much it is just too time consuming to write it all down. To get around the problem I just get them to take a photo of the books on theiR iPad then if the teacher asks for their reading log they can show the photos or they can write it out. So far so good. it really works well and they can take a screen shot of the cover of any ebooks they read too. They don't photograph everything but they get enough for me to see patterns and preferences. Their teachers figured out pretty quickly that they read a ridiculous amount and they don't ask to see the reading logs any more  big grin the only time we need to write them down now if for a reading challenge.
 (I really hate those things! LOL)
For the record
My son age 6 reads short novels now- like Zac powers and Magic tree house but he prefers to read picture books and almost always about dinosaurs and other preditors.
My middle girl Tiana age 8 has got 6 books to go before she "graduates" school reading. So basically she can read anything and comprehends well beyond her years. She loves all the princess and ballet novels and really really loves reading the original versions of fairy tales and older style children's stories. She enjoys just so stories and for Greek myths.
Natalya age 10 is devouring books faster than lighting. She loves fantasy and is constantly trying to steal my books. I am about to OK Harry Potter for her. I really don't want her to read anything before her maturity understands the nuances of romance. It kind of defeats the purpose I rekon. She is capable of reading anything I can read. She can speed read most kids novels but rarely does. She does naturally read faster than her peers it seems. She reads a lot of old classics like jungle book, black beauty, 5 children and it, Robinson Crusoe etc and is working through the Yesterdays classics books.
Both the girls are considered "done" with reading lessons. They finished primary school reading 5 years ahead of schedule. I have a little more to do with my son and he will be done, probably another year should get him there. Makes you wonder what all those extra years are for doesn't it?


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« Reply #103 on: May 14, 2014, 05:30:32 PM »

My eldest turns 7 in September and my youngest is 3 years and 3 months old.
The I see Sam books I printed out from this website:   - They are not what I call great reading, but the pictures amuse my DD and it was extra very easy reading practice.

My 6 year old does not want to write a reading list - she is reading more and more independently now, but I cannot get her to write them down and keeping up with her so I can write them down is almost impossible now (this has happened recently) She is reading Socks by Beverley Cleary now as a read-to-Mom book. I suspect she is capable of reading anything now - its just a case of keeping her interest - reading cooking instructions and menus in restaurants, shop signs and directions in airports and other large buildings also keeps her interested.

However, she likes to grab my computer, get on youtube and type in TV programmes she wants to watch, or use Skype to type to her Dad and I have some fears about her safety on the computer (luckily it is all in full view of me because of where the computer is situated in the house)

My 3 year old is doing very well with Ladybird sight word readers (the key reading scheme), but has started phonics - she is in that phase where she picks up new words very very rapidly because they are in context and somehow she remembers them, but also knows when to sound out words even though she does not know all the phonemes. She is also taking off with her knowledge of science and other concepts although I have never taught her specifically - we do read a lot though - I have a feeling she is also learning from my older child.


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« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2014, 06:48:54 PM »

My eldest is now reading Socks by Beverly Cleary for "school reading" and is plowing through independent readers though still prefers to read much shorter books by herself regardless of the actual grade level of the reading - I think she just likes to finish them, so will probably try to get her reading the good picture books I read to my 3 year old as they are short but at a better reading level for her. I am now writing them down for her as she was promised a reward but even despite the reward getting her to write them down is just too much of a struggle - she just makes a pile of what she read and at the end of the day I write them down for her.

My youngest is reading book 4b of Ladybird and has also started the McGuffey Primer - I am using this to teach phonics (not introducing any of the words to her beforehand - she must sound them out if she does not know them) as well as using the Ordinary Parents guide to teaching reading.


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