Oh boy I could add lots to this list!
Here are a few more
Print words onto a wall,( inside fly shapes?) use a fly swat have your child slap the words as you call them out. Start with two words and work up to ensure success
Bury words in shreded paper or packing beads, read them as your child finds them.
Fishing for words! Magnet on the end of a string and stick will pick up words with a paperclip attached.
Body part words with double sided tape on them= hours of fun sticking words onto mummy or the dog
Word hop scotch.
Snap and go fish can be made with words, as can twister.
Write words on balls, catch and read. Or write lots of words on a large ball and read where your hands catch/land on the ball.
Word footprints. Print words onto foot prints ( buy them precut from craft stores or $2 shops) stick them around the house, as you step on them they need to be read.
Hi five words, put handprints on doors with a word on it, kids hi five slap the word and read it before entering a room.
My kids also like roll say keep. It's a dice game. The "game card" has a space for each number 1-6 you put a flash card word on each number then take turns rolling the dice. If you roll a 4 and can read the word on the 4 space you get to keep the card ( replace the word with a new one).