I visit their page and read your reviews waterdreamer and definitely it seems to be a very good product. If you have a 2nd child do you need to buy another set? is it because of a workbook or what? Can you just apply the same method?
Yes you do. Its a lifetime license per child.
thank you so much. I looked at your blog briefly and noticed that you are also doing reading eggs. We started that about 6 weeks ago. My son just started the 2nd map. It has taken him that much review to get where we are. We do about 5 lessons a week on there. Anyway, headsprout finally got him to the point where he could read the words. Up until then, he knew the sounds, but every word on headsprout was hard for him to remember. I think that Headsprout's method of teaching the blendinig made sense for him.
My daughter is 3 and is further along than my son. She is on map 3 of reading eggs. We have not needed to review much, but she doesn't do a full lesson every day. She loses interest after a few minutes. I just signed her up for a trial of headsprout and she does a few minutes, but then asks for a break. So, I set a timer for 3 minutes and then we get back to work, but she doesn't always want to return to headsprout. She chooses reading eggs over them. Or, she would rather review sight words or something like that.
We also did the Pre-K kit from HOP. My son isn't all the way through level 2, but now he wants to be on the computer rather than doing the workbook. My daughter is in the kindergarten book, but it has taken two months to get through the first 3 lessons. She has trouble remembering to look at the endinig sound of words so she misreads cap to be cat or can. Because of that, she has no confidence and says that the book is too hard. Right now, we just review one page from lesson 3 and then move on to something else. I am using magnetic letters and having her practice saying the words and spelling them to help her focus on all of the sounds. It is a gradual process, but seems to be helping.
My son has ADHD so his attention span is a huge issue. My daughter is just 3 - I don't think that she has ADHD.
So far, my son has repeated episode 3 of Headsprout about 10 times because he keeps asking for it and I haven't bought more episodes. I contacted Headsprout and they told me to watch facebook for a specail, but I am not sure that I want to wait very much longer.
How do Headsprout, HOP, and reading eggs compliment each other?
I think they can all compliment each other. I have done all three at once. But to be honest at first I was thrilled with Reading Eggs, but after a while I did find we got the same great results as we did with Headsprout. I'm really glad we only got a 6month subscription. However I'm glad I bought their complete book box set, workbooks and flashcard. I got them half off when I renewed my subscription. But in the end I don't think we will renew our Reading Eggs Subscription when it expires,
I had an older version of HOP, and I found that I had to modify it a lot to work with my son. However I bought the DVDs from the new kits used and it has really added a lot to our program.
Another think I would look into is iamsam.com These books are wonderful. They move up much slower then HOP so your daughter may be less discouraged.
Good Luck!