I am also very grateful to all of the contributors of this post as I have been tossing this question around in my head for a few years. I am torn between knowing that my 10 year old is missing out on some important matters and not wishing her to be exposed to much of the dreadfulness in our world.
My children have very minimal TV viewing, around 30 to 60 minutes a week on average, and I am actually surprised that they never ask to watch the programs that they sometimes tell me their friends watch. However, during the Christmas holidays I thought it was time to try and watch a little more TV by sitting together to watch and discuss the news with them. On night one my 10 year old daughter and I successfully sat through the whole program while my 7 year old son was upset with a few of the stories and escaped to his room repeatedly. On the following night my son and I were in tears for two of the main stories
, so I turned the TV off within five minutes and we have not watched the nightly news since, even though I feel that my daughter is probably resilient enough to watch the nightly news occasionally.
For now she is keen and happy
to watch a weekly child focused news program called
Behind the News (
http://www.abc.net.au/btn/index.htm). One of today’s stories titled
Hope Street (
http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4243734.htm) resulted in a valuable and interesting discussion which included internet safety. Some of the stories would be of most interest to Australian students, but there are topics that are not country specific, like today's
Leap Second (
Perhaps other forum members know of similar child friendly news programs.
Good night
from Australia and thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this topic.