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Author Topic: Swann Family = 10 Children with MA at age 16! Book Review & Discussion Thread  (Read 185685 times)
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« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2013, 01:24:15 AM »

Thanks Bella saved me finding it for water dreamer smile  that li k is the Mcguffrey eclectic readers. All of them are free and very good for ALL parents here on the forum not just those interested in this curriculum.
Waterdreamer I got almost all the yesterday's classics books free off Project Gutenberg and then ended up buying it when it was on special anyway Wink so now I have loads of books!
I have a great collection of IPAD friendly ( ePub) children's classics already downloaded if you would like them I can Skype or Dropbox them to you ( probably too big to email...) PM, me if anyone wants them. It will save you about 3-6 hours of time  yes I selected with pictures wherever there was an option. These are public domain so sharing is aloud  yes
If you don't have an iPad you will need a different version to read them HOWEVER you could get them from and use the list to search Gutenberg for the PDF or kindle versions. I haven't typed out a list...I could probably figure it out if anyone really wants it.
I have the kindle app on my iPads to cover all the kindle books available.
We do have a number of classics in hard format also. These we use to spark reading when iPads are flat or banned  big grin  also I do believe they need to eventually get to the point of being able to read a standard size print in a complicated book.
Gotta go be an assistant back


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« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2013, 10:36:04 AM »

Bella or anyone else who may know, I checked out the following link
Could someone explain what all the different lists are? What is the Henty list? From my hazy memory he rewrote adult books into child friendly versions but surely he didn't write ALL those? Does anyone know anymore about this list?
Also the other it a list of books that best show life in those times?
I would love to understand the focus of the lists so I can add a few more to my collection.  LOL
I have been going through the lists and really appreciate the fact that they are put into a sensible reading order. Up until now ours have been very hit and miss and because of this I was hesitant to begin my younger kids on the books. Now I have a progressive order for a good chunk of my books I am printing it off for reference. I suppose in the perfect world I would rate all the rest of my books and add them to the list in order...any volunteers smile
Bella if you have all those discs, plus yesterday's classics and my collection, you have all the books you could ever need!  LOL ( but I know you will find another collection you want just like me!  tongue )

« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 10:58:35 AM by Mandabplus3 » Logged

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« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2013, 11:14:07 AM »

what a beautiful sight , enjoy xxx
will write more .


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« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2013, 11:16:53 AM »
henty books free online


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« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2013, 12:15:55 PM »

Oh Bella we all love you  yes
Please do all be sure to check out the links, especially he second one!  LOL
So he really did write that many books hey? Wow I guess he wrote at least a page a day for his entire life!  smile


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« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2013, 01:32:15 PM »

hey go to sleep girl Wink


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« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2013, 07:56:23 PM »

I have been sorting through And cross referencing lists. I like how this one is laid out.

This list is also pretty inclusive.


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« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2013, 08:23:41 PM »

The Henty books are historical fiction. He actually was quite historically accurate, it is only the main characters that are fictional and the places and events are all real. My boys quite enjoy having them read to them.


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« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2013, 01:40:54 AM »

The more I study Arthur Robinson, his curriculum, and his kids, the more impressed I get. As of 2008, all his 6 kids either had PhD's (in the sciences and engineering) or were working towards one. I found this article about the children -  Here is a quote about the children’s achievements:

``- Zachary, age 31, holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Oregon State University and a M.S. in Chemistry and D.V.M. (doctorate in veterinary medicine) from Iowa State University (ISU). He currently works part-time on OISM research as well as in veterinarian practice.

- Noah, age 29, holds a BS in Chemistry from Southern Oregon University (SOU) and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Caltech. He is employed full-time by OISM.

- Arynne, age 28, has a BS in Chemistry from Bethel College and is now in her third year of work towards a DVM at ISU.

- Joshua, age 26, and the only married Robinson so far, has a BS in Mathematics from SOU and is now in his second year of study toward a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering at OSU. His wife, Fama, is a homeschool graduate.

- Bethany, age 26, holds a BS in Chemistry from SOU and is now in her second year of study toward a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering at OSU.

- Matthew, age 20, is now completing his second (and last) year of study at SOU toward a BS in Chemistry. He is currently considering his graduate school options.

 - Zachary, Noah, and Matthew all skipped two years of college, entering as juniors and requiring only two years to complete their Bachelors degrees. Noah completed his PhD at Caltech in three years (it normally takes five years or more).’’ QUOTE ENDS.

The best bit is that the kids were mostly self-taught. I think that's why they've been able to advance as much as they have. After those years of self-teaching at home, it would be quite easy for them to continue their self-education at undergraduate and graduate levels, and excel in outstanding ways.  Very impressive to me.

Further, most proponents of homeschooling methods tend to excel and focus on the arts and humanities (e.g., Well Trained Mind's Susan Bauer) so it's refreshing and encouraging to see homeschooling methods like Robinson Curriculum that enable high levels of excellence in the STEM subjects, while not neglecting the arts. (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
And I've been reading his entire website ( You do that by downloading the entire site in pdf. The link to download the entire site in pdf or html  is at the bottom right corner of the home page

Jenene, you first mentioned Authur Robinson on this thread. Are you using this curriculum too? Can you share details? I'm finding this very, very  interesting.

Thoughts, anyone? Thank you all.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 01:45:25 AM by nee1 » Logged
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« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2013, 10:13:46 AM »

You know I am really enjoying this thread too!  yes
I have been reading through his site the long way, post by post smile it's an interesting blog roll. I hadn't come across the what the kids are up to now. Well not one as recent as that one anyway. Good find. They are obviously still a very close family. 2 work with dad in the family business and the twins go to school together studying the same thing. Pretty impressive degrees I must say!
The only real question I have with the entire curriculum idea is the lack of writing skills taught. Yes writing every day is a great way to practice and learn to write but it isn't going to teach good letter writing techniques, layout, how to write a pursuasive essay or layout an assignment uni style. All important skills that his kids obviously learnt somewhere? I would love to ask them directly! Have you found any links to contact? Oh we could have a chat with them on here!
Ok I invited them,  fingers crossed smile

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 10:25:00 AM by Mandabplus3 » Logged

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« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2013, 12:48:11 PM »

I'm also enjoying learning about this curriculum. So far I have been thinking about a CM approach, but I did feel that there wasn't enough emphasis on Maths and Science.

RC has the Maths and Science emphasis I've been looking for, but lacks the narration, which I think that really helps with learning (I would think that otherwise the temptation would be to skim-read the books which is really bad for actually retaining the information). I would therefore change 'write an essay' to CM-style narrations for those books I want them to *really* know. I would probably add in some progym work for writing, too, though I do like the idea of learning vocabulary words.

I would also add Latin and a modern language.

I really hope they can join us for a chat (or should that be grilling) smile


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« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2013, 07:38:16 PM »

I too have found this tread very enlightening.
My question is, are any of you who are using the RC method teaching children with special needs? I'm afterschooling my 7 year old who has a mild form of autism. I would love to teach him how to teach himself. So far we are doing 4pages of Explode the Code 4 and 4-8 pages of Touch Math Grade 2 Homeschool edition. He does very well on his own, asking only for help when he's stuck. But I don't want to hold him back by helping him.


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« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2013, 02:38:01 AM »

@ waterdreamer that is a very interesting question. I guess your son is already learning to be independent. I think it takes time for 1. Us to let go and 2 for them to have the confidence to do it themselves. Montessori book although aimed at children called teach me to do it myself is a really good book in helping children to become independent. Although it goes through getting them to do practical life activities I have found my dd wants to do a of academic activites on her own to. She will say go away Mummy I can do it myself. Okay..... but I just hover not to far away continuing with the cleaning or cooking or teaching my other little girl. and if she needs help I am on hand.

Sending my dd to a montessori school has taught me that I need to back off a little. My traditional schooling gets in the way and I can get upset if I see she is going to make a mistake instead of letting her work it out for herself. So sometimes I need to let her struggle so she casn do it by herself.

Ahhh the joys.


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« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2013, 04:30:38 AM »

I do use RC, but agree it is light on directed writing instruction, the idea is that children learn to write by reading good literature. For us we started with writing with ease and spelling workout and moved to daily language review by Houghton-Mifflen. Once we finish writing with ease we are planning on moving to the Institutes for Excellence in Writing. I think that his method probably does produce good writers, but because I tend to be more regimented I want more structure that is why we are going to move to IEW.


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« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2013, 06:43:35 AM »

If it will produce good writers then I think it's a great way to learn to write. It would be fun for the kids yet challenging also. I just think these days it may need a little bit of supplement in good form. Is there a writing program that teaches writing from classic literature that includes topics like " how to write a letter" " how to write a good introduction" " what is persuasive writing" and maybe even " poetry 101"  laugh
Perhaps someone more academic than myself could teach it on the fly, while they correct the kids work but I have no idea if I have the skills to do that. Or even if I know enough to know what they are missing. I guess it could be another case of me having to learn it in order to teach it! Oh well it's bound to be more interesting than learning about sky landers!  rolleyes
Oh I could probably just do one unit
in teaching writing to middle years,  in a uni degree to get my skills up....


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