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Author Topic: Teaching a 4 year old  (Read 44344 times)
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Downtown Doyenne

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« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2009, 04:01:18 PM »

Pretty soon we'll be sending them off to Yale!  blink


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Double D's: Life with Dirk and Derek
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« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2009, 08:05:26 PM »

Thanks KL!

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« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2009, 08:06:16 PM »

Thanks a million KL !  Your prompt reply is much appreciated - and I agree with Nikollet  This forum is growing with our kids !!  

Thanks again !!
Karma to you KL!!


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« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2009, 08:45:25 PM »

Thanks KL!!

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« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2009, 11:00:53 AM »

Doman Mom contributed with a great post about teaching older children math - I just read it!  I want to conect it to this post. It clarify important points about teaching older children math. I will be posting my personal experience with Leena later on today.  - Good day every one !!


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« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2009, 04:55:04 AM »

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay . I was out of town for a few days. In regards Math as I said before I am not the most qualified person to talk or advice as my case is not the typical case and I have done so many changes – hard to tell what exactly helped the most. But I know exactly how you guys are feeling as I am still looking and will always be – for better and more comprehensive methods for my daughter needs. 

Answer for the 2 questions posted:

1. How it went when you started and whether you did any modifications to adapt to an older child?
It went fine at the beginning as it was a new activity and I made an extreme effort to make it fun and kept a good attitude  about it, but as I introduced so many BITS the pictures and sounds were more interesting than the dots – I could see that she sat for the math lesson but I had the feeling she was not really enjoying it as much as the others.  She likes pretend play so I used this to tell her that ie: Cinderella was teaching her today the dots then I got a puppet to say  “1  2  ready go!! “  and I will do the session super extra fast  and then the puppet will praise her lots and move on with something else she enjoy more.

I noticed that she was not volunteering answers as she does with the bits (that is how I know when to retire bits as she start screaming the names before I can read them, time to retire). It never happened with the dots. So I started showing her the dots with patters ie  five dots in line for 5 just as LM presents them (genius) but LM didn’t existed then.  This worked very well she started earning confidence so I showed the quantities in rows   3s -  4s  - 5s 10s  and she started learning very quickly to count by 3s, 4s, 5s, etc..  and also identifying at sight 6,9,12,15 up to 20 or  4, 8 , 12,  16  etc… with no problem.

Then I went to operations with numbers  as she knew the numerals already and while doing  3+2 = 5   or  2 + 2 = 4 and so on (many of these simply additions 15 per day)  she started getting familiar with small additions and then surprise  2 + __= 4    She loved this “ The X game”  so I did these equations  while at the same time teaching her geometry, graphs, roman numbers, Cartesian plane, number lines, etc.. math is so much more than dots !!  we need to keep  it interesting and offer variety all the time;  to keep the interest up for MATH logic and math books are terrific.

2. How much time I spent doing Doman with her?  (I started at 4 years old)
I did 2 sessions per day of dots (3 minutes max). 
I did ONE set of pattern dots that presented twice per day (ie. five dots in a row for quantity 5) this took  2 min max - 
I did 1 set of bits always of math related topics ie  Roman numbers, angles, telling time etc… (2 min)  - Doman advice you to do bits 3 times but for math as I wasn’t sure what was going on I did only 2 sets per day.

I added math books when she was 4.5 years old.  I typically present to her  5 or 6  books and she picks 2 or 3 she wants to work on and we do 2 or 3 pages  per book – this takes us 15 min max.  Now days takes longer because we have more complex books but when I started – 15 min max.

Plus it was very important to add math to every day activities, counting apples, I would place them in groups of 2s or 3s  always no more ones …  etc..

I knew for instant math,  quantities need to be processed by the right brain,  So I followed very closely the Right Brain training and games and relaxation techniques.  I have found that while playing and specially pretend play I can teach her anything  and she enjoys it tremendously – this alpha state I learned with Right Brain and I know it has helped with math and other subjects. (Babies live in a permanent alpha state of mind that is one of the reasons why the training at young age works so well).

A bit of History:
When I read the books  I was very worry about the 4 year old cut off for math; then I decided immediately to take the seminars. While attending the seminars I was very happy and excited about the possibilities but extremely sad and disappointed at my late discovery of all these methods  (4 year old is old in Doman).

At the seminars every day you have a different lectures and after the lectures you have a LIVE presentation  from the kids at the IAHP International School ages 1.5  to  12 years old, they just have a class in front of our class in the auditorium and we all get to appreciate the way they think, process information and solve problems of all kinds.

Well one of the girls that Impressed me the most is Molly currently 9 years old. She is fantastic, very good at everything, very smart and funny – kind of the perfect picture.  I started inquiring about my favorite kids (Molly and Samuel,  who is currently 8 or 9 and speaks 9 languages plus is good at everything else they do, gymnastics, violin, math, Latin, etc…  well rounded child).

I found out that Molly started the program at 5 years old – Now my heart is jumping up and down – there is hope !!  - then I discover Molly happen to be a DOMAN – like from the Doman family IAHP so … all hope in doubt again ---- it may be genes ….  It may be special treatment – special resources or routines or programs that I could not emulate.  As I was wondering  one of the organizers of the seminar that knew about my concerns introduced me to Molly’s mom who told me her story and in short she is not close to the Doman’s family and wasn’t in any program until age 5, ALSO Molly was ADOPTED !! so no genes involved !! 

Molly is the Living proof that kids can do outstanding math even if they start late, They can do great analysis and figure out very advanced math.  It is a matter of persistence and steady exposure to the math in creative ways.

It is a matter of raising the expectations we have for what our kids can and will achieve and as I stated before have faith, be respectful of our children wishes and needs and do your best.

I wish they will allow videos of these math classes (older children) to be published – it will help so many parents like me to find encouragement and discipline to continue the program for years.

I hope this helps


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« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2009, 01:59:32 PM »


I forgot to mention that nowdays I still do dots but I use the Little Math for the dot training, I have customized the Doman equations and show 10 per day once, She likes to see the dots in chinese and japanese so I allow her to see them. We are also using the multiplication tables.

Leena likes LM very much I strongly reccomend LM for anyone with an older kids.

The newest thing I have added to her math curriculum per say is the Abacus training.  Recently someone posted here at the forum a video from  - so I did some research and talked to the director twice (James Wu) we are going to start the training this week. My daughter will be 5 next week - At mathsecret they advice parents to start the program at 2.5 years old - I will keep posting our progress here.

Everyone have a great weekend!!


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« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2009, 11:26:54 AM »

Thanks Gloria!
That was such a great post and efforts from you. You gave me hope and inspired me smile
I think I will also do doman math with him. My rbkids dvds hasn't come yet. but as you suggested I will complement the doman math with these right brain dvds and later on move to criticalthinking books. 

You wouldn't imagine how happy I am reading your posts. Thanks once again and a big karma point for you!


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« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2009, 04:46:12 AM »

You are welcome - Glad to be here !!

Hello everyone, recently I came across these websites and great articles that help understand the new role of education on the 21st century.

See article attached and more in the following Link:

Five Minds for the Future
By Professor Howard Gardner - COPYRIGHT Howard Gardner 2008

Note:  This paper was given as an oral presentation at the Ecolint Meeting in Geneva, January 13, 2008.  It has been edited only in the interest of clarity.

see also :
Five Minds for the Future
They include:

The Disciplinary Mind: the mastery of
major schools of thought, including
science, mathematics, and history, and of
at least one professional craft.

The Synthesizing Mind: the ability to
integrate ideas from different disciplines
or spheres into a coherent whole and to
communicate that integration to others.

The Creating Mind: the capacity to
uncover and clarify new problems,
questions and phenomena.

The Respectful Mind: awareness of and
appreciation for differences among
human beings and human groups.

The Ethical Mind: fulfillment of one's
responsibilities as a worker and as a

Lastly my favorite:

Everyone have a great week !!


« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 04:48:57 AM by GloriaD » Logged
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« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2009, 11:48:56 AM »

That is also my concern.. I just learned all about the advantages of Right Brain Teaching as well as LR/LM when I joined in last month. (My son is turning 4 this coming July09) Now I'm just confuse if it  still worth to buy those software knowing that he will start learning using his left brain side. confused

LR/LM (esp LR) caters for both right and 'left' brain learning.
Hay guys what is LR/ LM?
Pls help
Starfall is too good. Is there any other site where we can do free downloads. My daughter is 3 and I donno from where to start.
She will start her montessori training this year. i donno if I should start Doman or any other method at this stage. pls suggest.

Pls help

« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 12:58:17 PM by garry » Logged
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« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2009, 02:15:12 PM »

Dear Gary,

LR is short for Little Reader and LM is short for Little Math. Both are software that was created by the Brillkids Team. Below are a couple links to get further information on both LR and LM and links for free montessori downloads.


Montessori Downloads

I hope this helps and forgive me for not elaborating, but I am on my way out the house and so I don't have much time. There are many wonderful people on this site who will be happy to help you as in any way that I haven't smile

Good Luck and Happy Teaching!!

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« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2009, 04:52:33 PM »

I just started 4 months ago with my 4 year old using the Doman method.  I made about 100 cards that I flashed at her for about 1 1/2 months maybe a little longer.  She started to recognize some of them at the time.  I then took a 2 week break as she didn't seem as interested and finding time was hard as she is also in preschool.

I then started making sentences with the words and stuck them on the wall.  We now change the sentences once a week and she helps stamp the new words that we need to finish the sentence.  She uses most words that I had initially flashed, but of course we always need new words to make a sentence.  She reads the sentences for the week, and even changes the sentences around with the words that are on the wall.  We have been doing this for about a month now.  I like it a little better as the words are always there for her to read.

I of course also read many books to her and when possible will point to the word as I am reading it.  I also have a seven year old who is also beginning to read, but I didn't use any program with him as I didn't know about Doman, YBCR, or LR.  I wish that I would have as I would have used it with him.  I'm not really sure how well either of them can read, but I know that they will get there.

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« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2009, 12:10:51 PM »

Hello CDGMOM, - little note if you are in the States and your 7 year old has not been introduced to any to these early development pratices, one thing you could do with him is introduced him to reading classes with (franchise you need to google it, find one close to your house) I got good reports from them from friends whose kids take these classes - they also offer math. Again these classes are support for kids that want to be better but did not have Doman or Right Brain education (for those who had Doman , Kumon will be too slow and bored)

Just food for thought. Any extra help with will do wonders in kids !!


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« Reply #43 on: October 24, 2009, 03:58:09 PM »

Hello all!

I stumbled to this site just now and I feel guilty for not teaching my daughter to read very early. She's now 4 and can read a few words but I know I have to do more. It's half term and she has a week off of school and I told myself that I will have to make her read before she goes back to nursery. This forum gives me hope. I just thought I was too late. Thanks so much!


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« Reply #44 on: October 25, 2009, 12:40:50 AM »

wELCOME !!! It is never too late !!  you will find lots of tools and resources here, I started at 4 years old as well and she is now 5.5 and a whole new human been !!

any specific question dont hesitate to ask !



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