Hi everyone!
To clarify a few things, this is the way it will be set up:
1. The discount coupons (although not finalized yet) will span several discount tiers for several products.
Examples: (the discount tiers can go all the way up to full 100%) 10% discount for Little Reader = xx points
25% discount for Little Reader = xx points
10% discount for Little Math = xx points
25% discount for Little Math = xx points
2. You will only have access to these coupons if you have the sufficient amount of post counts. You will need a minimum of the following:

At least 100 posts made anywhere in the BrillKids Forum
At least 50 posts made anywhere in the ParentWeb Forum
3. As previously announced when we launched ParentWeb,
you may sign in to ParentWeb using your BrillKids account. You don't need to make another account to register for ParentWeb if you already have a BrillKids account.
4. The difference between the BrillKids and ParentWeb community lies in the scope of the website:
The BrillKids community's focus is on early childhood education, teaching babies and young children.

The ParentWeb community is for discussions pertaining to parenting in general.

5. The post counts you make in ParentWeb - you have to go to
http://forum.parentweb.com/ to make them - are counted separately from the post counts you make in BrillKids.
6. New posts made in the pregnancy and parenting boards will be counted as posts for ParentWeb, only if you make them on the ParentWeb forum site - you HAVE TO BE in
http://forum.parentweb.com/ when you make them. Otherwise, they will be counted as BrillKids posts.
7. The posts you make on either forum will both add to your points, which is why you only need one account.

And that's it! I hope that made things clearer - so beyond this, I guess the last thing you need to do is HAVE FUN! :
