We've recently noticed that there has been a growing number of one-word posts in the forum.
We have always encouraged all of our members to keep their posts informative, and we would like to ask everyone to keep the primary goal of "contributing to online conversations" in mind when posting.
This is the reason why we have implemented this change to the loyalty points system - particularly pertaining to the section of points earned while posting and replying to threads. This new system will reward members who take special care to keep their posts informative and meaty.
Here are the changes:
• Making a Post
<10 words = 0 points
10-49 words = 10 points
50-99 words = 15 points
100-199 words = 20 points
200-299 words = 25 points*
* Every additional 99 words thereafter gets an additional +5 points. There is a cap maximum at 50 points.
We discourage copying and pasting whole articles into forum posts. We encourage you to kindly summarize the text and provide a link to the post instead.To summarize, if a user makes a post which consists of less than 10 words, they will get the post count, but not the points. But now, each member stands to earn more points for valuable contributions to the discussions, and all of you can earn a maximum of 50 points for each post.
To learn more about our new Loyalty Points System,
please click here.
We hope that this helps us improve the quality of our online community.
Again, we thank all of you for continued support.
The BrillKids Team