Thank YOU for participating in the Little Reader 2.0 [BETA] Bug Hunt!
We're very happy that many of you quickly responded to our Little Reader 2.0 Beta Testing invitations and were very eager to help us with bug testing! While some went for a slightly bumpy start, we thank all of you for your patience throughout the Beta Testing period -- with your help we certainly caught and fixed many bugs, polishing Little Reader 2.0 into the the official version we've just released!
After looking back through all the bug reports that we got during the Beta Testing period, we have finally picked the
best Beta Testers -- yes, we've decided to award more than one winner, as we found that they have all discovered very important bugs!
Here are the best Little Reader 2.0 Beta Testers:
(ExtremeBartendingDad) for several Mac OS with Parallels installation and and usage bugs(andreasro) for importing bug(mwiederrecht) for installation and startup bug(echo09) for sound playback bugAll of our winners will receive 1,000 loyalty points each, and a special forum badge!
All of the bug reports (and even the Tech Support inquiries) have been very helpful not just for us, but for other Beta Testers too, so
we've decided to award EVERYONE who participated in the Little Reader 2.0 [BETA] Bug Hunt!Each Bug Hunt participant will receive 500 loyalty points and a special forum badge!
Again, a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped out during the Little Reader 2.0 Beta Testing period! We hope to see you again in future Beta Testing Bug Hunts not just for Little Reader, but for our upcoming software updates!
I would also like to remind everyone to
upgrade to the latest version of Little Reader 2.0 (along with the updated content files), which you can download from your
Account Management page. For questions about installing or setting up LR 2.0, please post in this thread: hope you're having fun teaching with Little Reader 2.0 as much as we enjoyed working on it!