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Author Topic: Tried Little Reader v2.0 [BETA]? Give us your feedback here!  (Read 26545 times)
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« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2011, 05:53:35 AM »

Great job BrillKids Team. Many thanks. The new LR version is great. I love the moving pointer and the option to put words under pictures. smile

My favourite change is the folders. I have been eagerly waiting for folders within folders, so am very excited about the reorganising now ahead of me.

Unfortunately I am not a fan of the new Play Courses screen and Advanced Play/Edit screen set up. At the moment we use LR mostly for Playlists of EK BOI, and my children are very distracted by the pictures (in Word Settings), or words and boxes (in Playback Settings) that they can now see before we play our "games".

Perhaps you could have a Play Playlists & Categories screen between the new Play Courses and Advanced Play/Edit screens.

Thank you,



The Architect
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« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2011, 03:58:09 PM »

Thanks for the comment, Mum!

Here's what I suggest - open up LR and move the right half of it off the screen so that the image areas are out of sight.  Hopefully that will help solve the problem!


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« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2011, 12:22:04 AM »

Hi KL,

Thanks. I had already thought of that work around, which I only considered a temporary fix rather than a final solution worthy of a product I have enjoyed seeing evolve into a very professional piece of software.

However, I cannot move the Word Settings and Playback Settings tab totally off the screen. I can only move them across to the right so that they take up about one third of the Advanced Play/Edit screen.

Any tips on how to
move the right half of it off the screen so that the image areas are out of sight.

Thank you,



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« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2011, 07:31:49 PM »

Hi KL,

When using this version, there is always a "Just in time debugging" screen appearing during start each time. I then have to close it approx 10 times for the screen to disaapear.

I also notice that when using the multisensory lessons, the override setting has to be set to according to list if set to random, the titles would be also random along with the words.

I have a screenshot of the "Just in time debugginging" attached


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« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2011, 07:51:19 PM »

We just bought it and I've tried to put in the activation code(45 characters long---kind of seems like overkill guys!) , but it's wanting me to go online.  We currently live in a "dead zone" area for the internet, and use phones for internet access when we go into town.  Is there any way to circumvent this?  I'll be really upset if I've paid almost $500 and I get to use this program for only 15 days. 


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« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2011, 09:14:18 AM »

@Mum: Unfortunately right now you can only move the Word or Playback Settings part until a certain size, so yes, it's not totally hidden. We'll see what we can do about that, though! In the meantime, another possible workaround for you: try dragging the LR window towards the right so that part of it gets cut off the screen (you have to have LR in a non-maximized window size). This way you can hide the Word/Playback Settings side of the window, but this also means you can't see the other buttons within that area too (ex: Pointer or Auto Forward buttons)

@diva7:  The "Just-In-Time Debugging" dialog you are getting is actually caused by an Internet browser feature. As some functions of Little Reader incorporates an Internet browser, you will get this pop-up occassionally especially if this browser feature is turned on in your computer.

You can turn this off by doing the following:
 - From your Start menu, open your Control Panel (switch to "Classic View"
 - Click on "Internet Options"
 - In the Internet Options window, go to the Advanced tab
 - From the list of Settings, go to the "Browsing" section
 - Find and uncheck the items "Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)" and "Disable script debugging (Others)"
 - Click on APPLY, then click OK

After doing this, try opening Little Reader and see if you continue to get this pop-up. In case this appears again later on, you may do the same again. Please send us a diagnostic report too, so we can troubleshoot and see if there's an LR bug too:

About the Multisensory lessons, yes we are aware of this bug, which is why we set all the Multisensory lessons to "Random" playback order by default. We'll be addressing this override issue soon.

@Ouroboros: You don't need to always be connected to the Internet whenever you use Little Reader (or Little Math) -- the only time this is required is when you activate it with your license key. So you can just connect for this very brief activation process, and once your software is activated successfully, you can disconnect and continue using LR! Note that there are some LR features that need Internet connection, like the Progress Diary, Latest News, etc., but for playing and customizing lessons, you don't have to be online.

The reason why you need to be connected to the Internet during the activation process is because LR or LM has to communicate with our system. Most software activations are actually done online too, but as I mentioned you can choose to connect to the Internet only during activation, and use LR without it.

Also, just to let you know, you can also copy-paste or download and open your key (if you are getting it from your Account page) smile For now, though, the license keys are already as short as we can get them (however we will see what we can do about that as well).


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« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2011, 11:16:38 PM »

Hi Kezia,

I have followed the instructions given. It doesnt seem to make any difference. confused The script still shows up as mentioned before.

I will send a diagnostic report.


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« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2011, 12:01:28 AM »

I have noticed that clicking on any link in LR causes an error message. I have attached prtscn and also report.


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« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2011, 02:45:48 AM »

Hi Diva7, can you tell me a few of the links in LR that gives you the error message shown in your screenshot? Are you still getting the "Just-In-Time Debugging" message? In the meantime, kindly make sure your browser has JavaScript enabled. For instructions on how to do this, please see this page:

Also, I'm afraid we did not receive your diagnostic report -- did you send it to our Support email, or directly from Little Reader? Just in case, please try sending it again, or if you have not created a diagnostic report yet, you may refer to this article for instructions:


« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 02:52:17 AM by Kezia » Logged

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« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2011, 03:44:12 AM »

When I first used the 2.0 version, I did not like it that much. I preferred  the previous version. My son did not like to see the words appearing  under the photos and vdos. In some multi sensory lessons the titles came last instead off first.

However I have changed my mind! I love it and my son loves his lessons too. He is used to seeing the words under pictures now I guess. I love the folder and save as options. I can easily create the lessons in my native language and Little Reader 2.0 is very user friendly. I have recommended LR to mothers in Thai parents websites and many of them show interests in the software.

Keep up the good work Brillkids team. I daresay my son can read because of Little Reader!



Brillkids Thailand:
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« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2011, 05:23:37 AM »

Hi Mae,

Yes LR 2.0 does have lots of differences from the previous version, but it's good to know you and your son love it now! smile

About the words displayed under the pictures and videos, this is one of the new playback settings that you can choose to "turn off" if you like -- you will find the  "Display words with pictures/videos" option in the Playback Settings tab in the Advanced Play/Edit Screen, and this is also available in the Override settings window.

About the mixed up words and titles in Multisensory, we mentioned this is known issue when Override is on (with playback order set to "random"), and we hope to have a permanent solution to this in the next update.


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« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2011, 11:43:42 PM »

Hi Kezia,

Clicking on the link you have on your post will also give an error screen.-

I am still getting the just in time debugging after LR start up. It does not happen with LM.

Also the Java script is already enabled.

I have attached the diagnostic report below.



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« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2011, 01:46:22 AM »

Hi Diva7,

Sorry about the delay -- we suggest that you try upgrading to the latest version, which we've uploaded just yesterday (v 2.0.680). Please make sure you export your personal or downloaded lessons or create a backup of these so you can import these back after reinstalling Little Reader.

From your Diagnostic Report we also found that you are getting errors in your computer's audio codecs. Kindly try using the Audio Diagnostic Tool and see if it helps fix this problem:
 - From your Start menu, go to All Programs
 - Open the "BrillKids" folder
 - Click on the "Support Tools" item
 - In the Support Tools window, go to "Sound Problems?" and run the Audio Diagnostic Tool
 - Once the tool has finished, you may play a sample audio or go back to your BrillKids software to check if the problem was fixed
 - Click on IT WORKS! if your sound problem was fixed, and if not, click on PROBLEM NOT FIXED to continue making system adjustments

If you are still having sound playback problems after the Audio Diagnostic Tool has finished doing all possible adjustments, please let us know.

Should you continue to have problems after doing our suggestions above, do send us a new Diagnostic Report.


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« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2011, 05:08:35 PM »

Well, we're not doing too well.  The product requires internet to actually activate, even if you have the activation key.  The advice given was to "simply connect to the internet", which is not possible since WE DON'T HAVE INTERNET  at our home.  And our 15 days "trial period" has expired. 

I'm typing this at work, and I'm a little frustrated to be honest.  I've tried to install this on one of our older laptops so I could bring it into town and find a free Wifi place and connect.  This message appears:

" BrillKids Little Reader optionally uses the Microsoft (R) net 2.0 framework.  Would you like to install it now?"
If I click  "YES"  I get :
"An error occurred while downloading the file  What would you like to do?"  (I'm not on the internet, as I'm at work--maybe I'll try this when I get to a Wifi place)
If I click "NO" it appears to install, but at the end I get:
"The wizard was interrupted before BrillKids little reader could be completely installed.   The system has not been modified.  To install at a later time, run the installation again.

So frustrating! 

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« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2011, 09:31:05 AM »

Hi Ouroboros,

I'm sorry to hear that you are quite frustrated about needing to be online to activate your license key.  I hope that you will allow me to explain why this feature exists (there is a very good reason) and why you need to be online at least once in order to activate the software.

We have always made it known to all of our users that you need to be online AT LEAST ONCE in order to use Little Reader - this is particularly for the license key activation process. We have this written in our support articles, sales pages and even in our help manuals.

The reason for the requirement to be online during activation is for us to be able to verify the identity of the person or account who is using the license key. This is a technique used by many software companies as a way to protect the buyers of their products, making it difficult for other people to steal your software and key.

The way it works is that the software (Little Reader in this case) requires you to encode a set of rules that define legal "keys". (a string of letters and numbers that "unlocks" the software.)  When you buy our product, you are given a unique key. You enter the key, usually found on the CD case label or box, and if it meets those rules, your software will work.

In our case, when you activate your license key, your Little Reader communicates with our server and searches the internet to make sure your license key isn't tied to someone else's account. Our server makes a record of this activation and keeps it for later use - you can actually view all of your license activations from your account management page. This lets you manage it yourself - you can delete or remove an activation from a computer which you don't recognize, or also remove an activation from an old computer which you had reformatted to free up another activation slot for your key.

So in essence, this is a very important step which cannot be bypassed as a way to protect you from getting your product stolen.

If there is no way for you to activate your license key at home and you find that you cannot use your Little Reader, kindly refer to a PM I will send you shortly.

Regarding your error message about Microsoft .NET framework, the error message is received when the file you have downloaded is not complete, or when your internet connection is cut off during the download process.

BrillKids Little Reader requires an installation of .NET 2.0 Framework or higher to be able to operate on Windows. Installing this Microsoft upgrade will enable you to proceed with the software installation, and continue using Little Reader with all it's functions and features.

.NET 2.0 Framework is a ONE-TIME installation requirement for all of BrillKids’ early learning software. Once you have it installed, you won't ever need to install it again.

This step is actually bypassed by people who already have .NET framework and for all those who are using Microsoft Operating systems from Vista and higher. Note that Little Reader is compatible for Windows XP users and higher operating systems - so this means only XP users will ever need to download .NET.

And if you're trying to use Little Reader in a computer with an operating system older than XP, do note that many many features won't work, because the software does have minimum system requirements.

I do have a way to bypass the .NET framework installation in your case, the solution for which I will be including in my PM to you.  However, note that even after having installed .NET on your computer, you will STILL need to be online to activate your license key.

I hope that explanation was clear - do let me know if there are any questions. Kindly also expect my PM which I will be sending you soon.


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