You can request free tech support! I found that BrillKids technical support is one of the most efficient ones out there, you will get the answer VERY fast and if something still does not work they can direct you step by step! I always was satisfied with it!
And yes, like Mela Bala mentioned you can still find Your Baby Can Read, Your Child Can Read, Your Baby Can Discover and Your Child Can Discover on Amazon. I view these excellent programs not as competition

, but rather as great reinforcement. As well as Reading Bear, Preschool Prep. They all compliment each other wonderfully!
What I personally like about Little Reader is daily (!) customizable 1 year curriculum, which is never the same.
Unlike the DVD which is always the same (regardless how great it is), you can play the same Little Reader lesson and it will show words in different font, color with different voices and accompanying pictures. You can even add your own to the existing ones -- your own pictures, your own voice! So in addition to having a full 1 year curriculum, you actually can replay each day lesson it it will be like totally different presentation. For my children -- it was absolutely the key!
And yes, we do supplement it with DVDs of other programs, hands on activities, printables, games! Making learning fun is the key for children in this age group, and having structured excellent curriculum definitely was the key for me -- it helped me to be consistent and to make steady progress, building on it! Especially since I have two children under three and expecting a number three very soon!
Also, with Little Reader you have access to literally thousands of additional free materials. Check them out here:
English Library: -- There are close to 4 000 lessons in over 20 categories!
Foreign language library: -- lessons in 27 different languages! I used these a lot.
Hope this helps!