Yes, I would recommend timandsveta's suggestion on using the Normalize function in Easy Voice Recorder, especially if you're sure that your microphone works fine and you're speaking loud and near enough.
In the meantime, if you haven't tried adjusting the sounds/audio device properties in your computer yet, please do give it a try:
1. Find the Volume icon in your task bar and right-click on it (this icon is usually at the right side, beside the date/time display)
2. Choose "Adjust Audio Properties" to open the "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties" window
3. Go to the Voice tab, and under "Sound recording," click on the Volume button. In the Recording Control window that pops up, adjust the volume level by moving the slider at the topmost part of the bar, and make sure that the box for "Mute" isn't checked. Close this window, then click "Apply" in the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties window. Go back to your Easy Voice Recorder and see if your recording sounds louder now.
4. If that doesn't help, return to your Sounds and Audio Devices Properties window and go back to the Voice tab. Click on the "Test hardware..." button and follow the prompts in the Sound Hardware Test Wizard that opens. Once it's done, click "Apply" in the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties window, then try recording again.
** It's also best to check that latest driver available for your hardware is already installed in your computer (the wizard in step 4 above would alert you if you need to update your driver or not)
In case your playback volume is set to a low level, you might want to check that as well. You can adjust this in the Voice tab, under "Voice playback."
Again, if the suggestions above do not help, you may try using the Easy Voice Recorder's Normalize function (this button is right beside the Sound Levels button).
In case you'd like to watch a video tutorial on how to use the functions in your Easy Voice Recorder, please follow this link: The video tutorial (and our other LR tutorial videos) can also be accessed from Little Reader's Start Guide (go to "Tutorial Videos").
I hope these suggestions help! Do let me know how it works for you.