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Author Topic: Little Reader suggestions - Help us improve Little Reader!  (Read 26001 times)
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« on: October 17, 2010, 04:08:05 AM »

I really love the programs. I have 2 Suggestion/questions that i think would really improve LR  and LM-

1) do u have an option to have the pointer automatically run across the screen, under word, at the speed set for the pronounciation?

i see u can turn it on or off but then i have to use the mouse. I want things as automatic as possible so i can hold my little guy . You've done a great job on so many aspects ( i'm approx 2 weeks into each program but i've just printed the manuals and am going through them so i can customize a bit ).

2) i would like to see a keyboard lock feature that locks everything but the ESC and the 4 arrows. My boy love to press buttons & keys.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 04:18:10 AM by ExtremeBartendingDad » Logged

The Architect
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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2010, 02:18:46 PM »

I really love the programs. I have 2 Suggestion/questions that i think would really improve LR  and LM-

1) do u have an option to have the pointer automatically run across the screen, under word, at the speed set for the pronounciation?

i see u can turn it on or off but then i have to use the mouse. I want things as automatic as possible so i can hold my little guy . You've done a great job on so many aspects ( i'm approx 2 weeks into each program but i've just printed the manuals and am going through them so i can customize a bit ).

Your wish is our command...
You just have to hang tight there for (hopefully) no more than 1-2 weeks and you'll get it in our next update. smile

2) i would like to see a keyboard lock feature that locks everything but the ESC and the 4 arrows. My boy love to press buttons & keys.

We already have a keyboard (and mouse) lock feature, which is locked by default, and allows only ESC to be pressed during playback.  Are you saying that you want it to work such that user is allowed to press the arrows too?


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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2010, 05:24:10 PM »

Hi KL,
Yes, that's exactly it. As i've said before, i'm super impressed with you personally and your whole company. You just can't do better than " your wish is my command" smile

I use a macbook pro laptop with a big trackpad, which i would guess would be locked also as the mouse?,  and Wyatt really likes to press anything he can reach which is good reeally as i want him to be involved in the " learning game".

When he gets to the trackpad , often we end up skipping/overlapping a few words or closing the screen etc. I can easily control the pace from those 4 keys with one hand without looking at them and cover/protect them.

I'll have a few more suggestions/requests as i get through the manuals soon but my wife wants the computer smile.
Sorry i haven't answered your last e-mail and sent you a picture for the testimonial. After my surgery i'm just back to the laptop in limited times smile
Thanks KL


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« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 04:39:28 AM »

Probably can't do that until we have a feature to allow you customize the lock function (which unfortunately would be very low down on the list of to-do's).  Problem with allowing the arrow keys would be that a child banging on the keyboard would quite often hit them, and would render the keyboard lock feature useless...


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« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 05:37:49 AM »

Ahh, i certainly understand the long priority list. I figure you'll be creating many versions of many products for many years so why not ask?

Problem with allowing the arrow keys would be that a child banging on the keyboard would quite often hit them, and would render the keyboard lock feature useless...

 In my case where my arrow keys are on the bottom right corner, i can easily protect them because my hand is always over it to replay, go back & go forward so in my experience, i respectfully but strongly dis-agree with you on that one. Wyatt gets the track pad mostly and then the middle of the keyboard.

Thanks KL smile


The Architect
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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 05:45:47 AM »

Why don't you just use your mouse to go forward/backward/repeat? You could even hold a wireless one and hide it under the desk.


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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 07:30:11 AM »

that's a good suggestion, thank you i appreciate the creative problem solving, but i don't have a mouse and if i had a wireless one you're right, it would work under a table.

The way we do it , see below from an earlier post i made, i think it;s easier for us to keep going the way we're going. I keep the laptop as far away as the couch will allow. Until he gets a little taller, we're mostly ok and if he gets to the track-pad once in awhile and changes the flow of our game , then that's part of the fun  laugh
I'll be adding to or writing another testimonial soon as we've just made a list of all Wyatt's vocabulary and i've decided to post a running update of his progress for us to have forever and to show any people that have concerns or who are skeptical.

I want to get a good picture of wyatt & I as we are when wer'e playing our " learning game" of LR & LM. I think it's important for people to know that we/I don't force him to sit in front of the screen ( at a desk ).

We do it in a very active way actually, which i haven't read about in your promo material or by parents in the forum. Sometimes he sits in my lap & cuddles as we do it but most times he stands, at our couch which ( when i take the bottom cushion off ) is the height of a medium high table for him. Approx. chest level?? I push the laptop all the way back to the backrest.

I sit on the floor cross legged behind him so he can sit or stand and i give him a small toy to hold & play with or chew as hold him or he holds me etc. If he wants to wander away he can and does but not very often and then he usually only gets a foot away then turns around & comes back. He also likes to press the keys smile
Thanks, maybe in version 3 someday  ??  smile


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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2010, 07:51:37 AM »

Hi Everyone, please post your thoughts on these and any ideas that you can think of.

This is a great community and together, over time, we can all help make it even better. You never know what the designers may or may not have thought of or decided upon. Don't make the mistake of not giving your ideas & opinions because you think, " oh, they must have thought of that."

Thoughts i've had to make the programs even better-IMHO

 Please keep in mind that i'm fairly new to it so my perspective is going to be very different from a real expert of the programs ( you & designers ) or a parent who's been using it and customizing for a year.

Also, im not a tech designer guy. i have very limited understanding but i have encountered , with my websites & designers, something that i was convinced was really a small change/add but everyone "in the know" informed me it was in fact a very big file size, complicated,  expensive change smile

I've just read what I've written and realized that most of these are long term version 3,4 or 5 smilesmile.
So, for what they're worth, here are my suggestions.

1. clarification on my, earlier request, locking out all keys but the arrows suggestion-
I've never used what u have now so u may already have it.
i think this would work best if it's locked out after we have a lesson highlighted and click play or double click on the highlighted lesson.

2. Custom Settings- I'll use an example first. I am a big golf fan. While i was out of work waiting for surgeries and my wife was home on bed rest waiting for Wyatt, i was given Tiger Woods Golf for the PS3. We played a lot and got to know the game pretty well.

EA sports had began a forum for the game and , apparently, only recently, last year???, actively asking & encouraging forum users what they wanted to see in next years game. U may want to check it out, they use a lot of non professional 1 take video "message from the designers" to begin a category to discuss.

Anyway, one big suggestion that i think totally relates to LR custom settings is club selection/club tuning. In LR it's custom settings.
There are many different courses in the game. each course requires a slightly different approach.

 in TW10 you were allowed to have whatever 14 clubs you wanted and you could " tune " them however u wanted as well. Just like real pros.

It takes some time doing this so the suggestion was to allow "Multiple bags" so you could take the time and set up a few different custom bags and each time you played, u chose which bag to use.

Give us the option of ...Going through all the options and click " save custom setting #1.
Give us the option of setting up and saving multiple "custom setting lessons".

  This way we could set up different approaches/custom settings for different days to keep things interesting for our child.
Ex. Option 1 is the all set ready to go basic and recommended?? settings you have now.
Option 2 is totally random every time
option 3 is a mix of a word from many different categories?? etc.

 You already have lots of good info in your manual. Lots of individual choices really are great but can be overwhelming.

A) I really appreciate recommendations from the experts. You and your team.
It's a really good selling feature that they work "right out of the box". I just loaded parallels again today ( so i can use LR on my Mac ). Since the last time i did, they've added some of these to help with choices.

 As a busy parent...
i'd appreciate it if you create a few " suggested or highly recommended " templates /setting choices based on your expert knowledge, clinical studies, parents reports etc.

 Maybe have pop up screens or flyout navigation buttons to explain why you chose each setting
or even a few of the important ones??
 Still want options for us to create our own. Maybe have pop up screens or flyout navigation buttons to
explain the pros & cons to help us chose each setting.

***I'd like to see ... all the setting options in one place and on one long page.
I was a bit confused by the override option .. it seemed to cancel out???? anyway, the page would have all the sections u have but that would make it a lot clearer IMO.
GO through all your choices and at the bottom, click " save these custom settings ".

 Let us name them also. Maybe we have 2 or 3 kids of different ages with different preferences and levels.
Then you could have a page that shows your different choices and with one click, off we go into the curriculum.

oh wait.... do we now have the ability to choose a custom curriculum from all the down-loadable content? same concept as above with different kids. Not just pick one category at a time but create a " favorites list"?? for a week or so. Or, for different kids, a way to keep track of where each child is in the curriculum?

Basically the WHOLE reason behind most of my suggestions come from letting me set things up once, when Wyatt is asleep, so i don't miss ANY time at all with him because i'm doing anything else. Fire & forget.

When he's awake, i want the program to be up & running and i just press play and i can concentrate on being with him in this really amazing learning experience.( Thank you LR & LM )

3. Pronunciation speed- i haven't gotten to the phonics part yet and i really like the option of changing colors for each syllable. What about option to have the recorded pronunciation be slightly broken up for each syllable? maybe repeated at a few different speeds. ask a speech & language Therapist/pathologist..... wait a min, that's my mom.......

Ok, I just talked to my mom, see her posts as Extreme Bartending Grandma ( I tried to create a link here to her posts but i don't think it worked. Can we do this? How please? ) for her extensive experience and wisdom.
Under this topic-     
Wife Scared of TV & Computer Learning Programs Doing Harm

She has some fantastic suggestions that i think will not only make it a much better learning platform, it's a great selling feature because these were suggested by a real speech expert.

Many people "sluur" because they don't move mouth enough or open it wide enough. Watch announcers as examples of good speakers.
People learn in many different ways for everything and in different ratios. The more " multimedia" we can make it, increases the chances of better learning.

Mom says, " it's vitally important to encourage understandable speech, and this program can do it all.
 u aim for
1. the correct # of syllables,
2.a close approximation of the correct vowels
3. the correct first or last consonant
Karen Young suggests that you film a real person, Film close up on the face, mainly the mouth. Show it 3 times.

For each section, Start with a little wider shot and then you zoom in..
 as they...
 point to their mouth and say " watch my mouth"....

Say each word 3 times ...
1. regular speed but exaggerated mouth movement. open mouth wide enough for 2 fingers to fit in mouth.

2. slow motion, clearly broken up into syllables, like the colors
3. repeat #1
you always end with correct pronunciation so they learn properly and don't get habit of speaking slow & exaggerated.

Alternate male & female ( i'd suggest an actual speech pathologist so they have good diction and have years of experience doing what mom suggests ).
You only have to get 2 shots for each word per person if u go male & female.

Next order to really hear the breaks for each syllable, add a sound in the background of a metronome. Tap, tap, tap.
ie. el/e/phant . do the same as above. regular speed and slow motion. tap/tap/tap.
Do this for both the printed word and the face option.

Also, Encourage people to gently tap their child's hand for each syllable and for each speed.

This way, they not only...
- hear the correct sound,
- they see the mouth moving properly
- and they see the printed word broken up by colors ,
- now they FEEL it as well.

Maybe a category of 2 syllable words, 3 and 4???

4. Can u please give option of making the screen size full screen for the tips & videos pop up screen. it's very hard to read or see what you're highlighting in the videos. Maybe u have this but I just don't know how smile

5. Library Home- present the cost of points right with the title & first description. It would save lots of clicks & therefore time. Lots of people have slow internet connections still.

I really like having the preview of the icons. Did i notice that some don't have a preview? if so, it would b nice if it was mandatory.

I think that's all for now smile, I have a few more for the forum but once i got going, i've spent way too much time on the computer. Resting now.

Thank you KL for considering our requests, however long they, possibly, may take to come to fruition in version 6.
It's fun to participate, even a little bit, in the creation of something that i believe is a positive force in the world and will continue to cause ripple effects for years to come.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 11:30:39 PM by ExtremeBartendingDad » Logged

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« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2010, 09:55:34 AM »

Thanks so much for that!

Will reply to them in a bit, but in the meantime, if anyone else has suggestions to make, please add them here!


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« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2010, 07:05:36 AM »

Hi there.

This is a good thread!

Just to piggyback on Extreme Bartending Dad, I have long fantasized about completely overhauling the Custom Settings dialog because it is so overwhelming and confusing. Of course, the settings aren't going to be simple if you want so much freedom and flexibility, but there has got to be a way to simplify the UI and the whole process for customizing. I've got the settings the way I like them now, and don't visit that dialog much, but it's just not optimized at all right now. That is a huge request of mine. If I had more time I'd offer up designs myself.

I also had the same request when we first started to have an automatic pointer running under the word instead of me having to do it, so yay!

I love the idea of a video clip showing the mouth pronunciation. With our boy we place his hands on our throats and under our chins to feel the vibration of the word, and that usually gets him pronouncing the word correctly.

Something that games have is sounding out of basic words to help with reading. Like "mmm-aaa-ttt" "mat". My boy can pronounce many many words if I sound out each letter, but visual identification is still hard for him. Needless to say I'm pretty certain he's an auditory learner! Would be nice if some of the LR curriculum did this.

I wish we could buy or download numbers 1 through 100 in several language and just load them into LM. I'd download several languages if they were available!

More later.


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« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2010, 10:37:10 AM »

Thanks for all of your suggestions! smile They're all excellent, and as KL would say, we're taking all of the into account for future versions of Little Reader.


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« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2010, 11:48:24 PM »

Hmmm... great topic here. I've been wanting to ask.. Can we have a few more Playback mode options like:

1. Word, Picture
2. Picture, Word
3. Media only

And also the picture background, can we choose the colour instead of it defaulting to black?



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« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2010, 04:44:21 AM »

I've been wanting to ask.. Can we have a few more Playback mode options like:

1. Word, Picture
2. Picture, Word
3. Media only

And also the picture background, can we choose the colour instead of it defaulting to black?

Hi Jezze,

Actually, the playback settings you mentioned are already available in the current version of Little Reader (1.6)  yes

You may read more about the Playback Mode options here:

As for the background colour, you can choose different background colours for Word slides:

Unfortunately for Picture slides, the "background" is already set as is, the way each object/person was shot by the photographer. If you were referring to the black panels in the presentation (either the left and right sides of the screen, or the top and bottom sides), this is actually a limitation of your monitor screen. If you've tried watching a YouTube video in fullscreen, you'll notice that this happens to certain videos too.

We'll see what we can do about this, though. Thanks for pointing this out!  big grin


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« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2010, 11:27:35 PM »

Oh right.. I didn't realise there are many more settings in the panel. Thanks.

But I'm still having a problem. I downloaded this 'ABC Song', that plays the words of the song, with the music, and then the video with the music. How can I have only the video playing? Because I don't want the same line of the song repeated twice for my kid. There is not 'Media only' option.



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« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2010, 12:34:02 AM »

in the daily courses, since you can't put "random" for the multi-sensory without having the category titles random as well (and then out of place; like common animals, then showing the word "blue") could you at least program the categories themselves to be random each day or week even, so that every day doesn't start with "common animals" then "colors, then "kid's things?"

also, perhaps you could have a couple more different voices randomly reading the words, rather than always the same woman saying "YELLOW!" or "RAT" in the exact same way every time. if the font changes, and color and the picture, why not the voice?

just suggestions

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