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[20 Apr] Little Reader Curricula on your iPad or iPhone - now possible with iAccess! (More...)

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[22 Nov] Little Reader Touch now available in the App Store! (More...)

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Author Topic: Little Reader Testimonials  (Read 92108 times)
Mod Mom
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« on: October 22, 2008, 02:23:10 AM »

Hello everyone!

We've just finally finished reading through all of your testimonials in our BrillKids survey, and I believe I speak for all of the members of the BrillKids Team in saying that they are very heartwarming.  happy We cannot put into words how happy we are that we have been able to offer all of you this program which is so close to our hearts, and we are only too pleased to hear many of your inspirational stories about how Little Reader has become a part of your family's learning activity.

yes With this, we would like to announce that we have chosen some testimonials from our survey results (see below), and we would like your permission to use them in our websites. 

If a testimonial was written by you, PLEASE LET US KNOW.

I hope that you may claim your testimonial by letting us know by replying to this thread, or if you would like to claim in private, you may send us a PM with the testimonial number, stating that it is yours.

If you claim your testimonial, we will publish it on our Little Reader testimonials page in the website along with your name and a photo of you (if you wish).  wub


If you have been using Little Reader and would like to add your testimonial, please add it by replying to this thread!

Again, on behalf of the BrillKids Team, thank you very much for sharing your joy in using Little Reader.





My 2.5 yr old & I have really enjoyed the brillkids program. It is very mommy & toddler friendly smile Oftentimes, my son will make his way to the laptop (which is turned off) and go through the proper steps to get the brillkids program to come up. It's a challenge to actually get him to take a break because he really loves seeing, hearing & saying the words as well as watching the accompanying pictures. Brillkids is a program that we visit daily & it is one of many "games" we partake in. Currently my son is reading Dr. Seus books all by himself -- it's truly amazing to have my son read to me! Not to sound corny but I'm often discretely sheding happy tears because I'm so proud of my kiddo as he reads to me. Thank you for such a powerful product.


I've been using Little Reader to teach my 2 children for a few months now. Little Reader serves both my kids' differnt needs. The younger one, aged 2, enjoys the Animal Catogories where there is a real picture of the animal accompanied by the sounds they make. He can now recognise words even before the picture comes up! I think that's a big improvement. Whereever he sees the word lion or frog, he's able to voice out the word with the accompanied roar! smile He also loves the nursury rhymes but without the word flash. The words pause break up the flow of the rhymes and this distracts him. My elder one, aged 3.5, enjoys more complex catogories like Flags, Planets and 7 wonders of the world. She shows interest even outside our little reader sessions when we visit the library. She recalls the nice pictures in the 7 wonders and wants to get a book which shows more about them.

TESTIMONIAL 3 by Redheaded1

I have truly enjoyed using little reader and getting all my friends with kids excited about it as well. This website and program have made me rethink home schooling my child (for the better) and has really gotten my entire family enthusiastic about early childhood development and education. BRAVO to you!


TESTIMONIAL 4 by heyblue41 (Amanda)

My kids love little reader. They can't get enough of "the game". I noticed my son repeating words he heard only one time in russian after we had used Little Reader. Now he knows how to say cat, dog and many other animals in about 5 differnt languages. The only exposure to most of these has been Litle Reader.



My son in the couple of days we have had it downloaded and set up, has pestered me to let him onto the computer. This has the added advantage of his wanting to operate a programme he has shown interest in, together with learning the co ordination of hand and mouse and keyboard.You may have observed I use English spelling, that is because I am an English ex-pat, and want to help my son learn English. This is the first time he has shown interest in any educational software I have tried with him.



*It helped me and my little grand son a lot,he's saying more words after using little reader.... *at first i used to pay a speech terapist and now i'm repeating this programm everyday and i think that's much better and it saved me money. In my opinion little reader brill kids is faboules,Jake and i really love it and i'm still getting used to it because i'm a 50 year old granny and i think this helped me a lot..... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TESTIMONIAL 7 by carpe_diem

I have thoroughly enjoyed using Little Reader - I thought I knew a lot about teaching reading to people of all ages - and particularly since a was a follower of Glenn Doman methods 40ish years ago. That said - I have found Little Reader totally inspiring - it has taught ME such a lot (LOL) it is very addictive - and encourages the software user to not only make use of the material provided in the program - but to create their own. The kids really love Little Reader - from the beginning, they have wanted to suggest what I should include in their playlists - Joseph 2 1/2 yrs said he wanted to have his rat (stuffed toy) in the 'family' playlist. He told me to take a picture of 'rat' and was delighted to see it next time he was 'doing the words' That is what is so great about the concept of LR - the children have something that they can relate to - their OWN body/family/toys/pets and so on - and there is the facility to add to those to widen their horizons. The fact that people from all over the world - using any language - even dialects can come together, share concerns and experiences, give one another support, and contribute to the whole is absolutely amazing. A sort of Global Togetherness worthy of a Noble Prize for Literary Software Development. ( I DID mean Noble LOL) I can honestly say that I don't know of ANY other software that is so versatile/comprehensive/meaningful and enjoyable as Little Reader.

TESTIMONIAL 8 by leana (Leana)

I found it to be very pleasent and rewarding experience. My daughter and I both love Little Reader! And whole our family can see that she is learning a lot from it. Although she cannot speak yet, she does act things like "hands up", "point", "kick" etc. which she learnt from LR. Thanx for making such a wonderful program for kids.


TESTIMONIAL 9 by nadia0801

Little Reader has helped me colossally! I was just starting to discover the Glen Doman method and this software takes the reading program to a whole new level. It makes everything more organized and accessible. It also offers the very essential 'customization' option to adjust to each child. I personally like the user-interface. Simple and easy-to-use. With more downloadable content, I'd say it is the BEST program for infant learning today!



My experience with little Reader is great. My daughter has a speech delay, but after using Little Reader for two days, she can now say Mommy.



I have never tested her before today, we tested her with about 10 different word cards – and she got every one right! Thirty years ago I would have been told to put Kay in an institution because she was unteachable… I admit I had never heard of teaching babies to read a year ago and would not have believed she could do this. The sky is the limit for my little girl!


« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 11:01:34 AM by KL » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 04:19:02 AM »

#4 is mine!

Mod Mom
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« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 04:50:24 AM »

Thank you very much, Amanda! smile

We'll be publishing your testimonial in our BrillKids website!   blush  Would you also oblige us by lending us a picture of you with your little one?  Just so we can also match your testimonial with your photo!  happy




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« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2008, 09:33:17 AM »

I'd like to express my thanks to the Little Reader creators. You've made my life so much easier! I used to spend a lot of time making cards by hands. Now with Little Reader it is just like fun.
My little daughter loves this great program. Every time I say "Reading time" she grabs my hand and runs to the computer giggling. And when the lesson is over she gets really upset. I have to invent something really exciting to entice her from the computer. LOL
Thanks to Forum community I've learned a lot about early education and teaching methods. I do believe that all children are geniuses. Thank you for keeping up this confidence.


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« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2008, 03:06:50 PM »

Hi !
Testimonial number 7 is mine  big grin

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« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2008, 03:33:40 PM »

I would like to show my gratitude to the team who created Little Reader. It's such a BRILLIANT IDEA and INVENTION which help the parents to educate the child in a fun and creative way. My parents are not staying with me but when I used Little Reader showing my girl the photos and the voice of her grandpa and grandma, she will keep on smilling and laughing and it's really heart warming since the Little Reader reminding her about her grandparents and the happy time that she spend with them. Little Reader team are very supportive solving my problems and a big applaud for you all! I must admit that Little Reader really did an excellent job and you all deserve my millions thanks!!   Wink



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« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2008, 04:57:11 PM »

hi,  its been just a couple of days since i downloaded little reader. my son is already too excited about it. He keeps banging the computer all the time asking me to show the flash cards. i am very impressed with this software. its really really awesome. And am very happy to share my experience with everyone in this forum.

Nirupa Andrew

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« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2008, 06:53:36 PM »

Hi Lappy!

I am so happy that I found your website and started using Little Reader with my 2 boys.  I have had the opportunity to compare your product with another similar one (claiming similar results), and I have proven that yours is better.  Since Little Reader is always accessible, my boys want to use it all the time.  And most importantly, you know they're not memorising when you can use the same process, using different words, or a different sequence, and they know the words.  Before I used Little Reader, my 3-yr old would not sound out words.  Now he's grasping every opportunity to read!  Thanks for your product!

raindrop lila
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« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2008, 07:07:54 PM »

I love this program!!! It's such a wonderful tool to use in teaching my daughter to read.  She is now almost 3 years old and this is a game to her.  She wants to go through the lessons over and over again.  I found that she is not just learning to read, but also learning what certain words mean, which she wouldn't if we weren't going through these lessons.  I am thrilled that you have the music notes and numbers also.

koala girl
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« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2008, 11:31:13 PM »

The timing couldn't have been more perfect.  I had just finished reading Glen Doman's book "How to Teach Your Baby to Read"  when I went on the internet looking for some more learning material.  I came across your website and couldn't be more pleased.  I stopped looking.  This was everything I was looking for all in one place.  My daughter loves our learning sessions and I find it is a great time for both of us.  She gets excited about what she is learning and I get excited watching her.  Thank you so much!   smile


Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
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« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2008, 01:23:01 AM »

This is very good software and my little baby really enjoy it... good stuff

Janice Bolima
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« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2008, 02:41:38 AM »

Like what every mommies here is saying, your website is truly a God sent to all of us.  I've been using Little Reader for 3 months now, and as in everyday me and my baby makes time to read it.  It's a one of a great way for bonding with my baby.  She truly loves it makes her dumbstruck whenever she hear the sound of it and see the colorful pictures of it.  She's already 9 months old going 10 months old by next week.  Thanks to your website.  More Power !!! 

Janice Bolima

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« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2008, 05:06:58 AM »

Hi Lappy,

Number 2 is mine. You may use it anytime, anywhere on the Brillkids website.  big grin  There is no need to ask me, really. It's the least I can do for the wonderful experience Little Reader has offered my children.

AnuShyam (Arthi)

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« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2008, 10:58:04 AM »

Little Reader has guided me in teaching my 22months old daugher without any force. As soon as i run the file, she starts jumping and make sounds"bee" meaning "a b c". It has also taught me how to create more teaching material. It is a wonderful programme and i highly recommend all the mothers and teachers to use it.

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« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2008, 04:47:05 PM »

I'm #3! big grin


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