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EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: What are the best DVD's for early education?
on: June 28, 2011, 03:16:02 PM
... but i used preschool prep series, leap frog series, sparkabilities, ybcr (sparkabilities and ybcr are right brain oriented) with all these cd's my sons vocab and the fluency improved a lot and lot...
vanichezhiyan, At what age did you start YBCR? I play the youtube version of sparkabilities to my grandaughter every time she visits and she just LOVES it. She is 4 month old now. Thanks.
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Weaning co-sleeping, any tips?
on: June 26, 2011, 04:33:03 AM
.. Once he knew I was not going to reinforce his behavior, and hubby wasnt as reinforcing he started sleeping through the night. The first week was awful, but a month later I would just put him to bed and he slept like an angel.
I can surely understand that most men are different than women and it is easier for them to avoid the temptation of going to hold your baby. At what age did he start to sleep alone in his room?
Parents' Lounge / General Parenting / Re: Weaning co-sleeping, any tips?
on: June 26, 2011, 04:30:00 AM
Also, our family had a 3 weeks holidays in Thailand. He slept with us when we were there. When we came back home, he wouldn't let me sleep on the floor any more... ![LOL]( He was just so upset that I had to sleep on his bed with him. ... To me, this is a good sign as my son has been a bad sleeper from birth. Elle, I am glad he is doing better. Maybe some more days and he will sleep all the night through. Certainly vacations or having your child sick somteimes came into your way trying to establish some routines. I am not sure about the age but i remember my grandson stayed in his bed watching some videos (mostly about animals like Baby Noah's or Old mcDonald on the farm) and he slept just watching them and at the same time he was learning english (spanish is our language). In this way you do not have to be in the room with him while he is starting to sleep. Maybe if things do not get better, you can do something similar.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Reference on 'Journey to the East' Learn Chinese fro Children
on: June 14, 2011, 04:30:04 AM
Thanks reii for your response. I entered succesfully to that link but even though it had parts in english i was completely lost. I am looking for something more simple than the monthly program. specially since i live in Peru , and shipping to south america may be unpayable. I also took a look at your blog and found it very nice. It is good to read your activiities with Little R.
Years ago i start learning Mandarin with Rosetta stone but i quit. Nowadays i am strating all over since i bought Little Reader and Chinese Curriculum for my grandaughter. I am not convince in the fact that she will learn so easy as it sounds but I loose nothing giving it a try. We haven't started yet and will do LR first in english and some month later in Chinese. Nevertheless i started because it will take more time and effort for me to learn htat language I am followinr Rosetta an d LR Chinese almost in parallel but i was looking for something more.
I agree with what you mention in your blog about some products that do not help to read Chinese but contributes with pronunciation and vocabulary. Your text is: 'I don't think it helps her to read Chinese though, helps to develop interest in Chinese language, singing and 'reading', but not actual reading. Helps with good pronunciation. .
Thanks for your interest in helping. I hope someone out there has bought 'Journey to the East' and can give me their opinion.
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Reference on 'Journey to the East' Learn Chinese fro Children
on: June 13, 2011, 05:08:00 AM
I am looking for material that will help me to learn chinese and one of the products that seems good is the DVD Journey to the East, The River Drangon King ( Learn Chinese for Children). The references i read in Amazon are most of them good but others are contratictory. Some say lovely animation and others that it seems to be old and poor animation. They also mention about the differences in pronunciation. But i think it is a nomal problem since the pronunciation of a man is different from a woman and a child. Take into consideration that no one in the surroundings know Chinese.
Please has anyone of you had the opportunity of wathcing that video or showing it to your son? I undersatnd it is recommended for older kids and not babies. Maybe it would be helpful for me since i want to learn in order to teach or try to understand what my grandsons will be learning.
Also i would appreciate if you can recomend other products (DVD or CD with lyrics) that wouuld be good or even better than that one.
Thank you
EARLY LEARNING / Early Learning - General Discussions / Re: Swimming Lessons for Babies. When did you start?
on: June 07, 2011, 03:30:51 AM
Hi! Have you read the Doman book "how to teach your baby to swim? It seems natural that they have been in water for 9 months, so the sooner you get the swimming after birth, the more naturally they will take to it!
No, i haven't had the opportunit of reqading his book on swimming, only on teaching math. Nevertheless i would be more carefull and go to a specialized place for swimming lessons and would not do it by ourselves.
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: What to do for having abundant milk and prolonging breastfeeding
on: June 07, 2011, 03:27:33 AM
In my country, specialists named "breastfeeding consultants" are available. I breastfed my first one until 2 years and still breastfeeding my second one (15 months). With my second one, I almost lost my milk. Than I increased it from 10% to 100%. Are you interested in how to do it? Yes, it will be nice to hear how you did it. I understood that if you get sick and take antibiotic, you can give milk no more. Is it right? Or you stop during some days and then start again. In the mean time you should keep taking out the milk cause if not it will get dry.?
EARLY LEARNING / Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages / Re: Need to find Spanish lyrics
on: June 02, 2011, 03:20:19 AM
i was looking for lyrics and came across your comment.
Did you found what you were looking for?
I have a child's book : 'Juegos y canciones Infantiles' with many lyrics even of old spanish kids songs as 'Matatirutirulan', Tengo una muñeca, El cochecito lere, La viudita, Mambru se fue a la guerra, etc etc. Just write your song's titles and maybe i can help and scan some pages.
I haven't see 'Cuando tengas ganas' but as soon as i have time i will wite them for you. Bye
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Re: What to do for having abundant milk and prolonging breastfeeding
on: May 31, 2011, 03:44:47 AM
I am still breastfeeding Ella, who is 2 years 10 months old now, and will probably continue until she self-weans or we get serious about trying for a second baby. ... I second the recommendation for the kellymom website: It was my one-stop shop for breastfeeding info. We started solid food at 6 months and I pumped at work until Ella turned 1 year old. My Medela breastpump and I were inseparable! aangeles, i took a look to the page you recomend and it looks very usefull. I see a lot of information. karma for that page. I do not imagine my daughter breastfeeding for more than 12 or 18 months. I suppose keep pumping every 3 or 4 hours requires a lot of dedication. Isn't it? Those are valueble hours that can be better used playing with her or doing some activity. One other thing that i am deducing (maybe i am wrong) is that at certain point it is painfull to stop breastfeeding. Painfull in a sense that you are sorry for what your toddler will feel. How can you do it? Do you mention that you have to stop or just stop pumping and giving milk and it will be produced no more. I have many questions about this. Think i have to read more that page aangelas recommended. Thanks to all for sharing.
Parents' Lounge / General Pregnancy / Pacifier used from birth or after a few months?
on: May 26, 2011, 02:57:27 AM
I was wondering if babies who used pacifier were given it almost from birth or after some months. I ask this question because my grandaughter is 3 month old and up to now she does not know a pacifier. Is it possible that later on my daughter will have to get hand on it for any reason?
It would be also great to here your experience about giving pasifier to your babies, did you give it a thought or just did it to keep him occupied. Or did you found it was something 'great' for calming the babies and avoiding cries.
Maybe one more thing, until what age did your baby use the pacifier. So resuming: Did you use a pacifier? At what age did he start? When did he end using it?
Thanks a lot.